20 Things To Start Doing For Yourself

How often do you revisit the goals and dreams you've put "on hold" for another time?
You spend a lot of time giving. Givig yourself to others, to your work and everything else in between. Life gets busy and you often put yourself and your needs last.
Take a moment to think abot it and ask yourself, if any of these apply to you...
You often commit to doing things you really don't like doing
You've become an emotional sponge, soaking up someone's comfort emotional dumping, even if you know that it has a negative impact on your mood and energy
You have the tendency to beat yourself up over a stupid mistake you've made for hours on end
Your fear of being judged stops you from doing and trying things you always wanted to try, do and see
It's never too late to make change, to try new things to do for yourself.
Learn to say no
Start facing your problems head on
Make yourself a priority
Be gentle with yourself
Learn to be happy for others
Start trying and learning to let go
Work on small goals everyday
Look for beauty in little things
Once in a while, take a mental health day off
Be yourself- not what others want you to be
Nurture your relationships
Make more time to do the things you love doing
Spend more time in the present moment
Walk away from toxic relationships
Treat your body well
Do more things that scare you
Stop waiting- start doing
Give more love to yourself and others
Create a regular gratitude practice
Learn to celebrate your victories