Picking Out Our Pumpkins For Halloween
Halloween is slowly sneaking up on us and the cooler weather in the forecast is certainly one of the signs that pumpkin season is upon us. A visit to a pumpkin patch or a local farm is a ritual for many. While your local grocery store is probably a cheaper option to pick your pumpkins out, a pumpkin patch definitely has a more festive atmosphere. Last Friday, me and my husband went to the nearest pumpkin patch in town. Treinen Farm in Lodi has miles and miles of twisty trails of corn, sceinic fields and barns and a big patch of little, huge, wide and tall pumpkins waiting for you.
When October month rolls around, it's pumpkin picking time and certainly many of us get excited to pick out or own pumpkins perfect for the Halloween. The Treinen Farm will give you a free horse drawn carriage ride to their pumpkin patch where you can select your perfect front porch accessory. They also have a sling shot are where you can shoot a small pumpkin or gourd to a floating target in the pond and if you hit the target, you win a pumpkin for yourself.
Whether you want to pick out a fresh veg, pick your own pumpkins or simply want to have a lovely stroll through fields on an Autumn day, I would definitely recommend a pick your own farm!
This is the pumpkin my husband won from the slingshots! yey! we thought it would be perfect for our dog Jazz!
Gourds and butternut squash!
Rows of pumpkins!