The Act of Emptying Your Mind
" If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. As to that regular, uninterrupted love for writing. I do not understand it. I feel it as a torture that one must get rid of, but never as a pleasure. On the contrary I think composition a great pain. "- Lord Byron
For many, writing is the act of emptying the mind, of freeing the thoughts caged in. Personally, it relieves me of the thoughts pressuring me. Although most writers have a lot of creative juices flowing within them and ideas are overflowing in their about things they want to talk and write about, they also need to empty their minds. Same is true for me. More often than not, I find myself thinking about something and I unconsciously grab my journal to write about the ideas that come into mind so that later on, I can go back to it and write about it. Sometimes it tortures me, the pulling of words out of my brain that even before going to bed, I still have a million thoughts in my head that I have to take a deep breath or drink a cup of hot tea to relax myself.
Your mind is a tool you can control- if you wish to. To empty your mind is to release what's taking precious space in your mind and in your heart that is not serving you. Once you process what's on your mind, you regain perspective. You see things in a different light again and look at it with fresh eyes.
There are three simple ways to free your mind that I want to share with you.
Meditation- Meditation is the best way to calm your over active mind. It's simple and requires only two things. Stillness and willingness to do it. Find a couple minutes of your time to just sit still in a quiet place like your room, or out in the garden or near the river or lake and just let out everything that is going on in your mind. Close your eyes and start focusing on your breath. Block unnecessary thoughts and just concentrate on being still and calm. Think of things that you are thankful for and smile. As you continue to smile, follow your breathe. Inhale and exhale. Your mind will wander and you will lose focus on your breath but that is normal. In time, when you have developed this skill of meditating, it will become easier.
Physical movement- Moving the body is a great way to release and shake up stuck energy.It does not matter what kind of movement or exercise you do as long as you do it with the intent to release what's on your mind. If you like doing cardio, walking, running or yoga. Or if you like to ride a bike or dance, then by all means...
The deep breathing and stretching will ease your tension.
Free writing- Of all the ways, this is what I love to do most. This is my choice when my mind is buzzing and I have an overload of thoughts that I don not know what to do with. It's practically ranting on paper. I just take out my pen and my journal and just start writing about my thoughts. I let it all out. It's my time to empty my mind so I can write to my heart's content! Until there is almost nothing to write about.
What ever it is, the choice is yours as long as you take action.
Your mind and body are connected. As you move, you release thoughts and improve, or at least maintain your health. Add relaxation- soak in a tub,yoga, a nap or anything else that you enjoy to your days and you will think and feel better.
You will not only empty your mind of lingering thoughts that have been in there for a while, but you replenish it with new and fresh ones.
When you empty your mind. you learn to let go of thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. You open up to higher knowledge and wisdom that come the source of all that is- Love.