Everything Happens For A Reason-Or Is It The Meaning We Attach To It
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from."
- Elizabeth Ross

The universe is filled with infinite possibilities. Most of the time, these things the human mind can't fathom. Such possibilities simultaneously exist outside the realm of human awareness. Everything happens for a reason. A mantra often repeated nowadays when life goes south. Such a phrase has become a rite of passage when life hands out lemons. If there is a reason for all that transpire in our lives, what sense can we make of the universe we live in?
Often times we are not privy to an outcome until further down the road, once the pieces of the puzzle have come together. Our task however, is to remain hopeful when outward appearance dictate otherwise.This beckons the question: How do you maintain optimism when...
- debt collectors are hounding you for money
- when a family member is diagnosed with terminal illness
- you lost your job
-things are falling apart
- or when your partner of twenty years decides they are no longer in love with you
It may sound easier said than done but we must not allow a temporary setback to become a defeat, since there may be a greater plan taking behind the scenes. You may not experience the bigger picture unfolding at the time. By mentally setting back from the drama, you allow the perfect orchestration of events to unfold in due course.
I consent. This powerful mantra is an inner acceptance that everything that has happened and will happen is a part of life's perfection flowing through us. Our task is to remain open and receptive to the energy to permeate through us, without judgement.
Everything happens for a reason. People change so that we can learn to let go and accept things. Things go wrong so that we can appreciate them when they're right. Bad things will happen even if we try our very best not to but how we react to them defines our character and the quality of our life. We can choose to sit in perpetual sadness or we can choose to get up and rise from the pain. I believe that we can survive anything we set our minds to even if we don't feel like it at the time. You may not be sure of the reason or what is ahead for you but it might be and can be great. Just take a step back and think about the message. Good things may lay ahead of you.