5 Reasons Why I Love This Time Of Year
Spring is the season when nature bursts back into life in an explosion of life, sound and color. It's the time of year when everything in nature is changing and promising new life-new hope.
So, here are the top 5 reasons why I love this time of the year:
everything is in bloom- it is the time of year when nature tries to shake off the holds of winter. trees, bushes and flowers start to bud and beauty abounds waiting for us to take it all in. blossom is arguably most iconic heralds of spring and a sign that winter is receding and a promise of harvest to come.
lifts your attitude- when the sun is shining and the weather is warmer, it is nearly impossible to be in a bad mood
shorts, dresses and flip-flops- means bye-bye to heavy sweaters, puffy jackets and layers and layers of clothing. your clothing is lighter and so are your spirits
spring cleaning- ok, i understand that some people don't like to clean but there is something refreshing and renewing about going through your stuff and deciding what to keep and what to ditch. it is almost as if you're cleaning your mind and your spirit
days are longer- the spring equinox is the astronomical start of the season and this means longer days and shorter nights. it means more time to spend with family and friends and activities to enjoy outdoors
From now on until June 20, we are blessed with the wonderful season of Spring. I will be summer before we know it and temperatures will spike and it will not feel like spring like we know it anymore.