6 Ways To Practice Mindfulness Without Being Lame
Let's be honest. Most of us aren't really into this mindfulness thingie- and I get it. I don't think I am either. Well, not for the most part. I'd like to think I'm mindful of all the things around me but then again, later on I realize I'm not. Even though I am a trained health care professional, I just don't have that practiced yet.

But mindfulness is more than just getting into ZEN mode. It's about to slow down life, practice your breathing,and being mindful of your current state. And the best part is, you don't have to stay inside your house or room in a yoga mat. But kidding aside, my own idea of mindfulness is ' Being awake in your own life '. It's being able to look at your feelings and emotions from a distance without being biased or judgmental. There are several ways to be mindful:
Go for a mindful walk- This is a good way to practice mindfulness. I find that walking outdoors is so calming and beneficial. I guess I don't have to tell that nature has so many health benefits. For the mind and body. Just being outside releases endorphins and sends us a sense of calm.
Read a book- Some people would probably not consider reading as mindfulness, but personally I find reading a positive self-help book helps me get in the right head space to clear my mind and calm my spirits.
Practice gratitude- This rewires our brain to find beauty in everything around us. Instead of focusing on the negative, let us look at the positive aspects of everything and be thankful and grateful of what we have. When we find time to be intentionally grateful and appreciate the small joys in life, we feel more at peace. You can practice gratitude by by keeping a gratitude bullet, journal, praying or just simply reminding yourself of what you are grateful for.
Be spiritual- Many people find that practicing faith or being spiritual with one's surrounding helps them find inner peace and a sense of control. As a born and raised Catholic, I turn to prayers and ask God for guidance everyday and most especially when I need a sense of mindfulness and control.
Practice daily affirmations-I find that listing or writing a couple of daily loving affirmations for yourself everyday brings in positivity throughout the rest of the day. I write them down in post-its and stationaries and put them in my planner so everyday whenever I open my planner, I read it and it reminds me and motivates me to be productive in everything that I do and at the same time helps me to mindful.
Have a mindful coffee/tea minute- I am a tea lover and nothing ever gives me relief more than a hot cup of tea. Pour yourself a cup of your favorite flavored coffee or tea and spend some 'me-time' to reflect on things. This way, you gather your thoughts while you are enjoying your drink and practice mindfulness altogether.