Let Me Give Me A Piece Of Advice - 5 Advice I Would Give My Younger Self

Everybody regrets something. It seems to be a part of the human make up. Ideas and choices that sounded good at the time can look terrible in retrospect. But to you, at that point in time, it was the right thing to do. it's all good. It's perfectly normal. It's a part of life. we all make mistakes and we learn from it after.
Tomorrow I turn 37 and although , on most days I feel 15 years younger! Over the years and growing up, I faced many hurdles and challenges in life and I have made mistakes now and again. On the other hand, I have also had my share of sweet success. Life has taught me a lot with my profession, my relationships and how I live life in general.
So if you can go back in time and give your younger self some advice, what would you actually say? Here are 5 things I would advice my younger self.
1. don't judge yourself in comparison to others. instead, judge yourself against what you know you're capable of. i used to compare myself to others like my friends or schoolmates. why am i not as pretty as she is? why does she seem to be more popular than i am? always looking for flaws about myself each time i see something admirable in somebody else. i used to try to be somebody else i thought other people would like and admire.
2. don't think so much. sometimes it's OK to just be. i was in a hurry to grow up. i wanted to be independent and free. be my own person and do the things i want to do, earn good money and establish myself in society. i thought a lot. i obsessed with getting things done. finishing school and landing the job i want. i preoccupied myself with thoughts to accomplish this goal that i forgot to actually enjoy everyday and my teenage life to the fullest.
3. don't wait to learn from your own mistakes. watch, listen and learn from the mistakes of others. better said than done. no regret ever comes first. growing up we all make mistakes and stumble along the road from time to time but we can do it. it helps to be observant and watch and learn from the mistakes of others so we don't make the same mistakes ourselves.
4. enjoy the frivolity of youth while you can for it will be gone sooner than you think. like i said, i was preoccupied with making it good in school, performing well and living up to the expectations of my family. being the eldest of two siblings i was expected to do so. the pressure was on my back. i hate to say it, but i didn't enjoy much of my teenage years as much as i would have wanted. and before i knew it, i grew up and had to do 'adulting'. yes, i went out to parties, hung out with friends, watched movies with them, dine, had fun...but i limited myself. because i knew at the back of my mind that i had goals. goals that would pave the way to my future.
5. lastly, no matter how old you are, it's never too late to live the life you have always wanted. if you pursue your goals and work towards it, everything is always possible.
If looking back fills you with regret, realize you did the best you could at the time. Happy adults view their younger selves with compassion, and use regret to motivate change!