The Proverbial Question- Am I Worthy?
You love yourself for who YOU are.
As a woman, knowing your worth is important. Whether it's within the workplace, your home, relationships or in other aspects of your life. There are many key measurements on self-worth that we can use and however convincing they might be, for the most part, these things can't actually gauge your true value.
Self-love is the most common thing that comes into mind when we talk about self-worth. But when was the last time you actually felt proud of yourself? Are you pampering yourself or giving your self a pat in the back after a job well done?
After all the failures and disappointments we apparently seem to be having most of the time, if not, all the time in our busy lives, it is rather easy to feel overwhelmed and swamped. But if you recognize your worth, you will always cherish yourself! You'll take time to put as much weight on your achievements however small they may be, or your outlook on things as your appearance. Much more, you'll feel much more blessed and grateful for what you have right now.
You don't compare yourself to other people
Every now and then it feels irresistible to compare yourself with others and the lives they live. With the advent of social media and people flaunting their perfect lives out there easy for us to look and get envious of, it is rather easy to feel underwhelmed and unworthy. " They " have the perfect relationships, high esteemed jobs, nice cars, big fat bank accounts, big houses and the the perfect breed of golden retrievers. You however, are on the other side of the spectrum. Struggling to make ends meet, just have enough in the bank but not enough to go on that 7 day travel on a cruise ship...not unless you empty your savings account. There is always something missing. Something lacking. And you fell like you're not worth it because you don't have "it".
But if you have a good grasp of your value, you don't feel conscious of your shortcomings. Instead, you feel motivated and driven and tell yourself you can do this and achieve your goals in life. You tell yourself that you can achieve bigger things and you start working towards it. Knowing your worth means you value your individuality and continue to work on those achievements without worrying about what other people are doing with their own lives.
You have goals for the future
Setting goals and making concrete plans to achieve them also shows self-worth. You determine your strengths and abilities and use them to get closer to those goals. You don't shy away from opportunities that knock instead, you take it as a challenge and a motivation.
You don't settle for less
The choices we make in life are often and indicator of your own self-worth. If value yourself enough, your choices will be geared toward bettering yourself and improving your life as an individual and as a person. When you are aware of what you deserve, you make the best choices for you!
Knowing yourself will not just make you feel great about yourself but it will help you break away from the restrictions that you unconsciously made on yourself.
When you recognize your value, you put an importance to yourself as a person and as an individual. And then, you can enjoy the things that you truly deserve!