Just Breathe. It Might Save Your Life
Breathing. It's that simple. Of course you're breathing. That's why you're still alive and reading this random rant.
But I am talking about mindful breathing though.
Monks call it meditation. Some people call it relaxation. But meditation or relaxation can be a bit 'intimidating'. I don't think I can actually meditate. There are just a lot of random thoughts racing in my head that the idea of meditation gives me anxiety. I am the type of person who is constantly thinking. A day dreamer. A night thinker.
So I thought I'd try mindful breathing instead.
I'm doing it right now. Breathing. Taking in the air around me and letting it 'refresh' my mind.
Taking a slow, deep inhale...
Feeling where the breathe enters my nose...
Feeling the coolness touch the back of my throat
Feeling the rise of my belly...my chest.
As they fill with air.
Then I slowly drop my shoulders as I exhale the air I breathed in.
Chest, lungs, belly slowly contracting.
And just fro a moment, there's space in my brain.
In between the inhale and the exhale, there's nothing but precious space.
And OMG! I've discovered a temporary escape from chaos!
Might not be extraordinary to everybody else, but for me...it's an escape. It's free. And healthy. And of course, necessary.
I lingered more at the end of my exhale thus allowing thoughts to race through the immaculate space I've created. Life. Back to reality. Things to do. Lists to make. Appointments to attend or cancel. Bills to pay....
Back to breathing...
Breathing saves my life. At least for the transient moment.
I relax a bit, knowing that I can always go back to breathing.
We all move in a world of high-functioning anxiety and anything that can free you from all these chaos...even for a wee bit of moment can be self-soothing. The space can be fulfilling.