Truth Corner: 10 Random Facts About Me

Since we're still thick in the winter here in Wisconsin and there seems to be no warm temps in sight, I thought I' d freshen things up with 10 random facts about me post. I know, I know. It might not be that interesting to some people but I thought I'd share anyways! (tehee!)
1. I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing but if I would do it all again, I would take up Mass Communication majoring in Journalism. Then again, I secretly want to be a forensic psychologist!
2. I sleep fully clothed and sometimes with a sweatshirt on. I drive my husband crazy because he thinks I'm crazy for doing that. He's a heater so he doesn't get how I can sleep with so many layers.
3. I can read between the lines. Body language is easy for me to read and detect. For the most part. I can read people and their reactions to things and about me-for the most part.
4.I don't like small talk. If you and I connect, you matter to me.
5.I rub my feet against the bed mattress to make me go to sleep. Seriously. I take the covers and sheets of the foot part on the side of my bed because I like the feeling of rubbing my feet on the mattress. I know, crazy...right? But whatever.
6. I have a crazy obsession with make up. I have considerable collection of makeup products in my vanity.
7. I cringe on the sight of dirt, dust, and anything messy on almost everything. It's my biggest pet peeve.
8. I am a soft-hearted person and I easily empathize with others.I hate confrontation as much as possible and I avoided confrontation for the longest time. I stay and keep to myself. But that does not mean I have nothing to say and that I won't stand up for what is right.
9. I am really forgetful sometimes.
10. I am so sentimental, and I feel the big feels. Some may say it doesn't show but I am very expressive, especially with people I love and trust.