Supplements I Take Daily - And Why
I follow a "food first" mentality, trying to eat the rainbow as much as possible but I consider taking supplements as an "insurance policy". It ensures I'm covered for the rainy day, so to speak.

Lately, the news has been plagued with the outbreak of the corona virus and how thousands of people have been fatally affected on a global scale. I'm not ready to put my health at risk. And this year, I made it one of my resolutions to put my health as one of my priorities. You see, my mom recently got diagnosed with a terrible disease and while I'm not yet ready to talk about it as I am undoubtedly still on the denial stage of grief, I would like to respect the wishes of the family members to just best keep it amongst ourselves. So, before I burst into tears and heighten my already rising anxiety, I want to share the supplements and vitamins I take on a daily basis, and why I take them.
So, what is this insurance policy I speak of?
I'm talking about supplements.
If you're one of those people like me who are busy, yes, BUSY with a B! Maybe you're working a high power job, or working in health care, or maybe you're just starting on hustling and bustling. Or maybe you have kids and you have your hands full all the freaking time!
Whatever you're doing, I know you are busy!
And you know what happens when we're busy?
Despite our best efforts to keep ourselves in top shape, we may not eat balanced meals sometimes. Hey, you're human. It happens. Don't sweat it! No need to feel guilty about that!
Good thing is, we can substitute or adjunct whatever lacking nutrients and vitamins we have in our bodies by taking supplements and vitamins that offer these nutrients.

Before I reveal the supplements and vitamins I take in a day, I just want to remind you that we don't all have and require the same nutritional needs. We are all different and your supplements regimen should be individualized to meet your required needs.
So, without further ado, here are the supplements and vitamins I swear by...

Vitamin C
-also known as ascorbic acid
-boosts immunity
-it's a powerful antioxidant
-helps prevent hypertension
-reduces symptoms of common colds
-fights off free radicals
-helps wounds heal quicker
-balances good bacteria
-boosts the immune system
-improves digestion
-lowers cholesterol levels
-fights allergies and eczema
-reduces risks of kidney stones
-protects cardiac muscles
-good for maintaining bone health
-helps maintain healthy teeth and gums
-boosts energy
-reduce markers of inflammation
-fights depression
-helps prevent migraines
Vitamin D3
-helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorous that are important for keeping strong bones
-helps regulate mood and fight depression
Omega 3 Fatty Acid
-slows the development of plaques in the arteries
-helps lower blood pressure
-reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke
-help promote brain health during pregnancy
-improve skin health by reducing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity
-builds thicker hair and stronger nails
-repairs muscles and prevents injury
-improves gut health
-reduces joints stiffness
Other supplements that I also take daily are
-apple cider vinegar
Of course, these are just supplements. They augment my natural supply of nutrients in my body and I don't just rely on them. I still try and make it a point to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are still a must!