5 Things To Tell Yourself When Feeling Down
There is something very powerful with the words " I am "... what follows is influential. Whatever follows is an affirmation, something you eventually begin to belive in. Do you ever find yourself saying... " I'm not good enough." or " I'm so stupid "...or " I am so tired of all this ". Thoughts like these seem to come very easy especially when we feel like we are in a rut. Or when we are stuck in a situation we are unprepared for. Or when things just simply don't go as planned.
Thing about life is, things doesn't always go as planned. Things like failures, disappointments, mishaps will happen.
Here are 5 things you can remind yourself when life gets the best of you.
Just how many times do we find ourselves saying, "I'll be happy when I land my dream job"..or " I'll be happy when I lose 10 pounds"..or " I'll be happy when I find my own place".
Keep telling things like these to yourself and you risk yourself waiting...for an indefinite amount of time searching for that happiness, thus wasting precious time.
Be happy now. Love yourself now. Tell yourself "I love myself right now" Not when you fit into that skinny pair of jeans or when you land that dream job you have been wanting. Or when you finally find love or success.
Look at the mirror and say "I love myself right now". Sure, you'll stumble on the way, you'll make mistakes and find yourself struggling to keep up. It's okay. The next day you wake up, tell yourself " I love my self unconditionally right now", and again, and again. Everyday, until you finally believe it.
Sometimes tings spin out of control. Way out of control that we lose our grip of it no matter how hard we try to grasp. Do you ever find yourself waking up in the morning and wanting to shut them off and curl back in bed. Well, truth is, people will diappoint you. You will not always be able to control things that happen to you. Realizing that you can't always be able to have control over things in your life despite of all the efforts you put into it, can be a difficult thing to accept. You have to remember that despite all that, YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE. You are incharge of your thoughts, your attitudes and how you react to the situations that life throws you. Most importantly you are incharge of your actions.
Everyone has them. We all do. Learn to forgive your yourself for them, instead of beating up yourself for them.
Instead of trying to stop negative thoughts from occuring, try and shift your focus to the good things in life. Let go of yoour negative thoughts without judgement. Remind yourself that things never end up being as bad as you imagine or make them out to be.
I am full of sparkle and compassion. I genuinely want to make the world a better place and I love hard and I practice kindness as much as I can. When people don't see my worth, I will not punish myself for their opinion of me because they do not walk on my shoes. We are not perfect human beings, nor we have to pretend to be. But it is necessary for us to be for us to be the best version of ourselves we can be and we have to love ourselves enough to value our worth and if other people to not see and appreciate that, then it is entirely their business.
I am worthy of everything good in life and I deserve to be happy. We sometimes make excuses as to why we don't deserve the best. We find ourselves questioning and second guessing everything we do because we don't think we are worthy and deserving. Ie deserve everything good in life. I am worthy and a deserve to be cherished, loved and taken cared of just as much as I cherish, love and take care of the people I hold dear in my life.
The present moment is all we have, and we deserve to enjoy it.
Worrying is exhausting. It drains you mentally and physically. And in the end nothing gets accomplished except worrying.
We are all good enough. And we all deserve the best. We just have to believe it.