Are You A Multi-Tasker? Why It Can Be Dangerous Sometimes
When you've got a lot on your plate, the first thing you think is multi-tasking. I am guilty of such thing. We feel like, we have to do more, faster. Actually I am a multi-tasker. I have always been growing up. I find that I accomplish more in a little time of I multi task.
When we multi task, we do more but less at the same time because we are overwhelmed and more often than not, do a poor job. If we can learn to single task and prioritize these tasks, then we can work more effectively and efficiently!
Multi-tasking truly is becoming an epidemic in our society that's causing stress , lost productivity, and less quality work among all other issues.
Here are some of the ways that the pressure to do more in less time can hurt you, both physically and mentally.
1. Increased distractibility.
It's been demonstrated that people who are multi-tasking are easily more distractible than those who do so less frequently. It is believed that the rapid and constant changing from task to task your brain must engage in through multi-tasking can lead to difficulty in determining which interruptions are important and which aren't.
2. Impaired memory.
Quickly moving from one activity to another on a regular basis can lead to memory problems. the reason being is that, constant changing and switching disrupts short term memory. It can also cause you to miss noticing details that might be important.
3. Dysfunctional relationship.
Multi-tasking takes away attention from the person you're with, a loved one, a partner or family.It also makes it hard to concentrate and focus.
Some people can make things work out while multi-tasking but there will be a point where it will become exhausting and destructive. If you are a multi-tasker like myself, taking it lightly but surely and one step at a time as well as slowly integrating simple ways to single-task and focus on them one at a time, will do you more good in the long run.
Keep this in mind the next time you are tempted to try to do more than one task at a time.