The Case For Taking Things One Day at a Time
As we find ourselves in the space between summer and fall- with the air feeling crisper in morning and temperatures slowly cooling down, and the pressure to shift into a September state of mind, (one of productivity and routine) - looming overhead, we are reminded to slow down and focus on each day as it comes rather than looking ahead so far in the distance into the future or so far back toward the past.
Taking each day at a time. Seems hard and definitely a big concept, if you think about it. And it's one I have had a hard time doing in the past. I have so many things planned in my mind. Things to do, lists to follow, goals to accomplish and everything in between. As much as I love being spontaneous and random with other things, I also like to plan things ahead of time. So taking things one day at a time seems kind of an ardous task for me let alone, almost impossible. But difficult times times taught me-forced me-to take things one day at a time. Even God created the universe in seven days!
In terms of getting things done, work or otherwise, blink and the sands of time will still keep pouring through the hourglass. So you push writing that email off until tomorrow, or putting off going to see your dentist or therapist for that much needed seesion, or puting off doing those e-learnings required of you at work...and then beat yourself up later about not finishing that project yesterday. Yet, just like everybody else, we only have today.
" The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time"- Abraham Lincoln
Even Abe, thought so.
The concept of a year is too big. That's four whole seasons depending on where you live. A birthday, another riveting round of another year..bigger goals bigger dreams. Shorts, sweaters, sun, snow, all these lawns to mow, teeth cleaning to endure and the mundaneness of stop light moments. I can't even barely remeber what year we're in!
What about weeks? Babylonians invented it and just made it up. We were duped into hating Mondays.
But days, NOW days, we can grasp. Our body woorks in incriments of days, the sun in the solar system works in incriments of ays. There's a rhyme to a day. The energetic highs and lows that are ultimately bookended by a warm cozy bed, with comforting rituals in between. It's easy to encourage yourself back on track day after day. It's hard to veer off track for a year and then try to find your way back to the train station.
Slow and steady wins the race, right? A day-by-day accumulation of knowledge, skills, thoughts and lessons, work, courage, money- whatever it is you are working toward- it all adds up!Write a page of your essay each day, and suddenly it becomes less daunting! Putting aside $10 a day doesn't seem much until you max out your savings account.
So there you have it. Day by day. Days in which we all have same number of hours like everybody else!
So what's the art of taking things one day at a time? Here's a start:
Find the time- Depending on your goal for the day, you can set your alarm half an hour or an hour earlier than your usual. Be mindful of mindless time-not to be confused with restful relaxed time, that's good for you! And realize where you can squeeze in the workout, therapy sessions, or that online class that will help you achieve your goals.
Focus on the next baby step- Not the final result. You will get there soon enough.
Every night, write 5 specific micro goals you want to accomplish the next day. Again, baby steps.
Today wasn't so great? That's ok. Shake it off and try, try again tomorrow.
And remember, everyday is a brand new deal, right? Just keep on working and something's bound to turn up.
So, tell me... what are you working on today?