What Is Real Life - A Perspective Of Reality
Sometimes when I feel like life has got me by the neck and I feel like drowning in all the uncertainties and chaos of life, it gets me thinking-what is real life. I believe that who we are exists somewhere between reality, emotions and and fantasy. There are times when our emotions tell us things that our mind simply cannot. Who we love. How much pain we can bare. What makes us happy and what brings tears to our eyes. Fantasy is the next level, and perhaps the most raw essence of self. It tells us who to trust. It gives us that gut feeling that we can neither create nor ignore. It is a realm where our creativity and imagination are truly limitless, without the restraints of science and physics. People often dismiss the part of them that's driven by fantasy. But why? Why turn away from the only part of yourself that can choose to be whoever you want to be? That part of yourself which you can have complete control of yourself and direction. They say it's not real. It's just a dream. But aren't dreams what drive people to accomplish incredible things? Hasn't every visionary leader of every generation first started with nothing more than just a dream.
Believing only in reality is a trap. You will never grow past the things you already know. You will understand the things that have predictable outcome. You can be smart. You can memorize books and books of highly complex information. But what will you do with it. in reality, you will only expand your mind. Ad you will never be able to get out of it.
Emotions drive us out of reality. We may know that to love someone may not be a logical choice. Emotion is much more powerful than reality. It causes us to see a certain truth. It gives us the chance to choose to redefine it based on our actions and how that truth makes us feel.
Emotions allow us to practice empathy, mercy and grace for those who don't deserve it. Emotions can also drive fear, so deep within ourselves that it cripples our reaction to the real world around us. Emotions can chain someone to an abusive partner, even when in reality, there is always a way out. Emotion is what drives a parent to sacrifice life for their own child. It inspires romantic gestures and makes us laugh or cry.
No matter what reality throws at us, no matter how scarred we become, no matter how deep we burry them, emotions are more powerful than our minds and they will resurface. Wether your mind allows it or whether you wait for it resurface and rebubble out of our system, it will come out.
Fantasy can be beautiful. It triggers vivid imagination, twisted story plots, and a way of seeing the world in a way that is not possible in any other way. It brings the world to life, in colors you have never seen before.