Why I Favor The COVID-19 Vaccination
Like most healthcare workers, I was thrilled and at the same time " apprehensive " when I was eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. As a healthcare worker, I have been involved with in COVID-19 patient care since the very start of the pandemic in the US. And I had seen what horrible thigs this virus can to do people. We all felt incredibly helpless against this unseen enemy. At the time, there was still no vaccine or treatment available for this virus and studies about cure were still in its infancy.
With time, experience, and study, we've leaarned which treatments help and which ones didn't. Even more importantly, we now have a breakthrough-vaccine.
The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccine tested in about 18,000 and 15,ooo participants respectively, were the first available in the US via the Emergency FDA Authorization. They remain the most effective. Trials showed about 95% eficacy in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections after 2 doses.
So on December 22, 2020 together with my husband, who is also works in healthcare, strode into our hospital employee vaccination venue and almost cried with joy as I got my first shot of the Moderna vaccine. Yes. I felt lucky the following day- and at the same time, sad for other people who were not yet eligible for the vaccine, and the people in my home country- Philippines. As the world knows, while the US and UK were two of the first countries where the COVID-19 vaccine was made available, the rest of the world, were still reaping the fatal and horrendous effects of this virus especially third world countries.
SECOND DOSE- So I received my second dose of the Moderna vaccine exactly 22 days after I got my first shot and I will say that the day after was a doozy. I had low grade fever, chills, I was aching all over with muscles pains and was nauseated and had a sore arm. But it was ok- I told myself. It is a good thing. It means that the vaccine is working and that my body is building up defenses against this virus. I took two tablets of Ibuprofen, took a shower and and had a hot cup of my favorite green tea, and whoala! I felt better after.
Common side effects of the vaccinewill include headache, muscle pains, fever and chills, nausea and fatigue. These side effects usually start within a day or two after the shot and they might feel like flu symptoms but they should go away in a few days.
I know that there are a lot of people who are hesitant about getting vaccinated and some people think it's all a hoax. A conspiracy. A way for the government to gain control over the people. Anti vaccine activists peddle theories that the COVID-19 shots are deadly, therefore undermining the vaccine. Also, anti vaccine groups have falsely claimed that these vaccines cause autism, weaving a fantastic theory involving the government, big usiness and big pharmas as well as the media.
But as someone who has seen the devastating effects of this virus to human life, conspiracy theories are the least of my worries.
Both data and as well as my own real-world experience with getting vaccinated are incredibly positive as well as reassuring. I am confident that we can get back to a 'new normal'. It may take time, but we'll get there. We may still be wearing masks and practice social distancing to an extent. Remember, vaccinated people can still get infected- it's just less likely and they don't get very sick.
We may still see cases of COVID-19 infection among people who haven't received the vaccine or those who decline it, but for the most part, once people are vaccinated, we can all go back to some sort of 'normalcy'.
We might se restaurants open for business again, travels will be allowed already and events such as birthdays and weddings can be celebrated already and I can't wait!
We can all finally see each other's smile and faces again!